Adjunto documento donde se publican los resultados de la ya tradicional encuesta del CSI/FBI sobre delitos informáticos y seguridad informática en los Estados Unidos.
Dentro de los resultados más sobresalientes tenemos:
* The total dollar amount of financial losses resulting from security
breaches is decreasing, with an average loss of $204,000 per
respondent-down 61
percent from last year’s average loss of $526,000.
* Virus attacks continue as the source of the greatest financial losses,
accounting for 32 percent of the overall losses reported.
* Unauthorized access showed a dramatic increase and replaced denial of service as the second most significant contributor to computer crime losses,
accounting for 24 percent of overall reported losses, and showing a significant increase in average dollar loss.
* Theft of proprietary information also showed a significant increase
in average loss per respondent, more than double that of last year.
* The percentage of organizations reporting computer intrusions to law
enforcement has continued its multi-year decline. The key reason cited for not reporting intrusions to law enforcement is the concern for negative publicity.